Dr. Marita Pabst-Weinschenk



Zur Konkretion der Bildungsstandards

"Sprechen und Zuhören"

(Mittlerer Bildungsabschluss, KMK 4.12.2003)


0. Guter Unterricht

1. Zur Systematik der KMK- Bildungsstandards
- Bezeichnungen
- Sortierbedarf
- Fachsystematik
- Ergänzungsbedarf

2. Kernlehrpläne KLP NRW

- Schulformen-Vergleich 5-10

- Progression GY 5-10

3. EU Key competence Implementation 2010

3.1 Schlüsselqualifikationen

3.2 Kompetenzstufen

4. Zur Entwicklung von Kompetenzmodellen
Kompetenzbegriff allgemein

4.1 content vs. performance
- Zus.fass. Überblick nach Ossner
- Leitbild: selbstständiger Lerner
- Vorwissen: Matthäus-Effekt

4.2 Heuristisches 3D-Modell   

- Modell nach Ossner
- Content-Differenzierung

4.3 DGSS-Bildungsstandards Mündliche Kommunikation - ein umfassendes Content-Modell

- Rede-Pyramide - Synopse und als  begriffliches Content-Modell
- Kumulatives Lernen
- Schlüsselqualifikationen + intelligentes Wissen
- Unterrichtsziel

5. Zur Evaluationsproblematik
- Reliabilität + Validität
- a) intrapsychische Vorgänge
- b) Situationsbezug
- c) Messbarkeit
- -Feedback-/Beobachtungsbögen
- Format: Konstruktives Kritikgespräch
- Grundsätze

6. Aufgabenbeispiele

6.1 KMK

- Allg. Vorschläge für Überprüfungen

- Beispiel Hörbuchbewertung

- Gute/schlechte Sprecher


7. Opportunity-to-learn- Standards im Bereich Mündlicher Kommunikation



Domain Definition of the competence 1: Communication is the ability to express and interpret thoughts, feelings and facts in both oral and written form in the full range of societal and cultural contexts — work, home and leisure.




·         Ability to communicate, in written or oral form, and understand, or make others understand, various messages in a variety of situations and for different purposes. Communication includes the ability to listen to and understand various spoken messages in a variety of communicative situations and to speak concisely and clearly. It also comprises the ability to monitor whether one is getting one’s message across successfully and the ability to initiate, sustain and end a conversation in different communicative contexts.

·         Ability to read and understand different texts, adopting strategies appropriate to various reading purposes (reading for information, for study or for pleasure) and to various text types.

·         Ability to write different types of texts for various purposes. monitor the writing process (from drafting to proof-reading).

·         Ability to search, collect and process written information, data and concepts in order to use them in study and to organise knowledge in a systematic way. Ability to distinguish, in listening, speaking, reading and writing, relevant from irrelevant information.

·         Ability to formulate one's arguments, in speaking or writing, in a convincing manner and take full account of other viewpoints, whether expressed in written or oral form.

·         Skills needed to use aids (such as notes, schemes, maps) to produce, present or understand complex texts in written or oral form (speeches, conversations, instructions, interviews, debates).